Blow to Kenya Kwanza as Azimio declared majority in assembly


Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Ken Ng’ondi has declared the Azimio la Umoja as the majority party in the assembly.

This now puts an end to a protracted standoff between Azimio and the Kenya Kwanza camp which had also laid claim to the House leadership.

In his ruling on Wednesday, the speaker held that Azimio has the highest number of MCAS at 67 while Kenya Kwanza has 53 MCAs.

There are three Independent MCAs in the assembly while Utawala ward is yet to hold its elections in December.

The ruling was necessitated by the two rival coalitions sending letters to Ng’ondi claiming the majority status.

However, Ng’ondi said the numbers declared by the IEBC, the coalition agreements from Registrar of Political Parties and the fact that no MCA had indicated defection from one side to the other gave AZimio the majority status.

He directed that the House Business Committee be constituted by next Monday latest 11:30am and that the parties nominate MCAs for various committees.

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