Governor Cecil Mbarire ranks top in latest ISS Africa survey

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Embu county chief Celily Mbarire, Irungu Kang’ata(Murang’a) and Abdi Hassan Guyo (Isiolo) have been ranked as the best perfoming county bosses in the latest survey by Insight Strategies Solutions Africa,with a score of 65.4,62.8 and 60.2 respectively.

    Photo courtesy of KBC digital

The survey was conducted  between the 24th and 26th of August this year, focusing on the governor’s development and approval ratings. The survey comes a year after the governors being sworn into office, with an exception of Kakamega and Mombasa.

On the other hand Jonathan Bii(Uasin Gishu) Issa Timamy (Lamu) and Hillary Barchok (Bomet) were ranked as the poorest performing governors interms of development, with a percentage score of 16.4, 18.2 and 19.2 respectively.

In terms of approval  ratings, Mutula Kilonzo (Makueni) Gladys Wanga (Homabay) and Cecily Mbarire (Embu) emerged the best three with an approval rating of 73.8,70.5 and 70.2 percent  respectively. Jonathan Bii (Uasin Gishu), Hillary Barchok( Bomet) and Wamatangi (Kiambu) ranked lowest with approval ratings of 20.7,22.3

The survey also noted that women governors emerged the best perfoming  both on development and approval ratings. Second-term governors on the other hand performed better in both parameters compared to the first-term governors. This may be attributed to continuity as their first-term colleagues spent a lions share of their time setting their house’s in order. Region wise Eastern kenya emerged top with  Nairobi leading from behind.

It is also noteworthy that most second-term governors who performed well in the previous survey before 2022 elections had outstandingly deteriorated  in performance, an indicator of laxity after securing re-election.